Letters on a wide range of subject matter that do not pertain
directly to this website. All those other letters that do pertain to this
site are kept personal and are not posted unless under special circumstances.
A collection of authors contained in this site
Information Center
All resource
listings are provided for the purpose of good sound literature for Christians
and non-Christians alike. However, all the resource listings which label
themselves as "Christian" are not totally endorsed which is not out of the
norm considering that Christians grow in grace at different spiritual levels. Also some
publications are a good source for a particular topic but are not for doctrine. Most
titles are linked to their respective websites. Also as time progresses by the Lord's will,
graphics that contain links from other websites will be added which are located
at the bottom of this page. If you want to link to this web page under this particular topic then contact the webmaster to
have your link considered. Any spam will be deleted. More
additions coming soon.
articles on Catholicism, South Africa, Ireland, the United States. Christian
books and tracks, taped sermons are also available. These items can only be
purchased through the US Distributor. US Distributor:
Email: Click Here
Description: A valuable free
source for Christian material such a Charles Spurgeon, Arthur Pink, John Bunyan,
and many others from the past. They also have a wide assortment of taped sermons
which list is now up to 8,000. Over 800 booklets, tracks, and audio sermons in
the MP3 format which can be downloaded from site.
Wittenburg Publications 136 Main Street Toronto Canada M4E 2V8
Phone: (416) 698-7610
No current web address at this time
Publishers of a number of good Protestant titles, especially the second part of
ex-priest Chiniquy’s autobiography, entitled FORTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF
CHRIST. No current web address at this time.
108 Horseferry Road Westminster
London SW1P 2EF UK
Phone: 0171-222 2635
Description: A very good source for books and other literature exposing the fallacy that
"Communism is dead," and detailing the ongoing Communist deception of the West.
Publishers of books by ex-KGB agent Anatoly Golitsyn.
Description: Many good books
from authors of the past.
4710-37A Avenue Edmonton, AB Canada T6L 3T5
Phone: (780) 450 3730
Email: swrb@swrb.com
Has many great old and out of print Protestant books. However, I do not
recommend the modern authors. Because they embrace much of the
Reconstructionist error, but also the 17th century "Solemn League and Covenant"
of many Presbyterians, including the "State Church" error.
Description: Nice selection of books,
videos, etc., exposing Roman Catholicism and related topics. Below is a
sample video from the Ministry, there is a one minute delay because it was
cued for tv...
From a
Catholic Hippie to a Baptist Preacher
4927 East Lee Highway Max Meadows, VA 24360 USA
No current web address available at this time.
Description: A nice source for books on
topics like the decline of Protestantism, the Jesuits, the Charismatic Movement.
Description: Christian books including children books for home schooling at
discount prices.
Institute For For Biblical Text
2233 Michigan, N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503; USA;
No current web address is available at this time
Description: A great
place to get resource literature in support of the Received Text, and
the KJV...It also has literature that exposes the false texts.
Description: A free computer program with the KJV
Bible, Strong's Concordance and Bible Dictionary, Matthew Henry's
Commentary on the Whole Bible, John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible, The
Treasury of David (By Spurgeon). It has many other downloads a believer
can use, however, some are not recommended for doctrine like John Wesley's Notes
on the Bible.
It's a nice little
site, which has some has some reading material useful for Christians. Their
articles on Christmas and Easter are highly recommended.
Minister: Mr. W H Molland
All Enquires to:
Mr. D.C Wort, 90 Clifton Street, Brideford, Devon EX39 4EX, UK
Telephone: (01237)
No current web address is available at this time
Description: A good selection of useful books and booklets, some of them for no more
than the cost of a postage stamp, on various subjects. They also publish THE
LINK magazine and offer it for free worldwide. A wide range of expository
sermons on various subjects also available for free, but on a "loan" basis.
You do have the option of buying the sermons.
Ronald Cooke
4927 East Lee Highway Max Meadows, VA 24360 USA
No current web address is available at this time
Description: A nice source for books on
topics like the decline of Protestantism, the Jesuits, the Charismatic Movement.
No current website address.
Description: Contains some very good
books, articles and a newsletter on exposing cults like Rome. However, not all
of the authors of those articles are doctrinally sound. John MacArthur is an
example, he holds to such flaws as the pre-trib, and setting up a literal
"Jewish" kingdom for a thousand years contrary to what Christ said in John
18:36. More on prophecy concerning this matter can be read here.
A nice resource for Protestant books from the
past, but has involved itself in the "Israel-Identity" error so only the
Protestant titles from the past are recommended.
P.O. Box 6302 Acacia Ridge DC Old 4110 Australia
Phone: (07) 3273 7650
Description: A nice assortment of magazines, books, video, a Technical
Journal which exposes evolution and gives scientific evidence for
biblical creation and the flood. It's a good source for scientific
information, but not for doctrine other than creationism.
Description: Publishers of BIBLE AND SPADE magazine. Archaeological research in
Israel which proves the absolute accuracy and reliability of the Bible. However,
it's not recommended for doctrine, and other errors which they hold too
Description: Books, videos, tapes, and the magazines on Creationism and a
TJ (Technical Journal), exposing evolution and giving scientific evidence
for biblical creation and the flood. Good source for scientific
information, but not for doctrine other than creationism, because a) they
are Arminian and sadly they endorse ungodly movies.
Description: Publishers of THE REMNANT magazine, which has very good articles, although we
are not in agreement with their Hyper-Predestinarian position.
Description: Many books and
video tapes suitable for children to the highly educated, exposing the theory of
evolution and giving scientific facts which support the Bible.
Publishers of books in support of the Received Text and the KJV, especially by
William Burgon. However, they are Arminian, and hold to other errors as well.
P.O. Box 662
Chino, CA 91710 USA
Phone: (909) 987-0771
Email: productinfo@chick.com
Named after it's founder "Jack Chick", this publisher has some very good books
by ex-priest Charles Chiniquy, and secular authors Avro Manhattan and Edmond
Paris, Dr. Samuel Gipp's book titled; "Understandable History of the Bible"
which is a good book about how we got the Bible and know it's an accurate copy
of the originals. However, there is a major flaw in this book which contains an
endorsement of Ruckman who believes the KJV was inspired like the originals...He
has other strange beliefs as well which are not biblical. There are also some
good books on exposing evolution sold here too but not recommended for
Major flaws exist with this book publisher itself. It's highly
commercial, their newsletter articles are like an ad for one of the books or
tracts they are currently selling. They also advocate that cartoon tracks are
like one of the best ways to preach the gospel to the lost, in one ad of theirs
some years ago, it puts guilt on a saved person as displayed in it's caption a
believer who didn't give an unsaved person a "chick" track before that person
died. In the cartoon the unsaved dead person questions as he was sentenced to
go to hell by the Lord, "why didn't you show me that chick track?" with
another caption saying you should buy their tracks. They also continue to
advocate the late Alberto Rivera was a priest who became a Christian later on
exposing Rome, and have printed books and comics about this, as it turns out he
neither an ex-priest nor a Christian, to see more about this issue,
click here. So with their
highly commercial flaws, inaccurate stories, and many other doctrinal issues, I
recommend only those books listed above.
Description: A non-profit religious organization
which exposes the self-esteem movement, and various methods of psychology in
general. Free e-books are available online from the site and a bi-monthly
newsletter is also free upon request. Material is good for research for
Christians, but not good for some doctrinal positions.