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Preaching and Teaching the Word of God.  Also real life stories about witnessing and other related topics.


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Letters: Table of Contents

These Christian Articles cover topics such as Christian living, the Bible, Prophecy, Family Worship, the various characters of God, movies, creationism, and the religious rights of children in the public school.

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A Letter on Alberto Rivera: A Jesuit Priest or a Fraud?


A man claiming to be a Jesuit Priest turns out to be a Fraud and not a Christian.


Love to the Brethren

By John Newton who wrote a popular Hymn called; Amazing Grace.


A Letter About the Holidays


Contending For the Faith Ministries

Alberto Rivera: More insight on this man's life

A continuation of a man claiming to be a Jesuit but more inside on his activities that went beyond just having a false identity which shows fruits he wasn't converted.


A Letter to a Fundamentalist Regarding Salvation and Church history


A letter From a Friend in the Faith





A Letter In Response to “Rocky Balboa”: a “Christian Boxer”?


The last of a movie series, a religious man tries to use the Bible to discourage Christians from judging a righteous judgment against this worldly movie.


Did Whites Commit Genocide Against Blacks in South Africa?

An answer to a belief that has been promoted by the liberal media and the religious and secular communists in South Africa.




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